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تحميل My Dictionary: polyglot 7.0 Apk paid مهكرة للاندرويد وللايفون

تحميل My Dictionary: polyglot 7.0 Apk paid مهكرة للاندرويد وللايفون ___________________________________________________

My Dictionary: polyglot 7.0 Apk paid is a Education Android app

Download last version My Dictionary: polyglot Apk paid For Android with direct link

Do you want to learn a foreign language quickly? A unique program for memorizing words will help you to do it.
The main success of learning a foreign language consists in the most rapid vocabulary replenishment: you should repeat words time and again. For this purpose people often use the notepads, what is not always convenient.

New app “My Dictionary: polyglot” combines several functions and advantages:
• 90 kinds of dictionaries (English, German, French, Spanish, etc.);
• 7 types of training: word search, writing the words, searching for a translation, comparison of the studied words and its translation;
• Automatic translation of an adding word;
• Evaluation of learning the words;
• Completely learned words can be hidden or deleted from the main list of study;
• Short statistics, that shows the dynamics of learning;
• Pronunciation of a word;
• Quick search of words and translations in the dictionary;
• Tags for words, search by tags, training by tags;
• Transcription for words and usage examples;
• Archiving database and fast recovery from a backup file;
• Image editor for words;
• Import from Excel (XLS);
• Export to Excel;
• Notifications (also for other devices like smartwatch);
• Set of words from server.

This app allows you to expand your vocabulary fast enough. Its main advantage is the availability of 7 different trainings for learning. 90 kinds of dictionaries include the most popular world languages, such as English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese. As a result, it is possible to learn sequentially or simultaneously speaking several languages.

The app provides a unique opportunity to learn multiple words per day and it is the fastest way to learn the language because vocabulary is the basis of a quick study. The more new words you learn, the better you will understand your interlocutor, and the easier you will communicate with him. Of course, the grammar is also necessary, but we recommend to learn it after learning vocabulary, at least the basic words. Otherwise learning a foreign language will be much harder, longer and more boring.

This app will be especially useful for those who read foreign literature, visit foreign forums and sites. Finding a new unknown word in the text, the user can simply add it to his dictionary, see the translation, and then learn with the help of training. Usually without a dictionary people forget a new word soon, and seeing it again they have to look for it once more.

During the app’s development the complexity of “manual” search of translation and the psychological aspects of learning of words, including the lack of free time, were taken into account. So: Having met in the text an unknown word, just go to the app, enter a new word in the dictionary and see the translation. If it’s necessary, add it to the list of studied words. During studying the program shows the level of mastering the words (in percent). When the word is learned, it is enough to tick “Studied” on the appropriate word and it ceases to appear in training. Learned words do not appear in the list for training, but remain in the dictionary that allows you to find them quickly when it’s needed. Thus, the application “My Dictionary: polyglot” is an invaluable aid in learning a foreign language.

Supported dictionaries in the application: Russian, English, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Afrikaans, Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Welsh, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Haitian (Creole), Galician, Dutch, Greek, Georgian, Danish, Yiddish, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Icelandic, Spanish, Kazakh, Catalan, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Macedonian, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Swahili, Tajik, Thai, Tagalog, Tatar, Turkish, Uzbek, Ukrainian, Finish, French, Croatian, Czech, Swedish, Estonian, Japanese.

Differences from the free version:
– No advertising;

My Dictionary: polyglot Apk

My Dictionary: polyglot Apk

Whats New:

Fixed some application errors.

My Dictionary: polyglot Apk
My Dictionary: polyglot Apk
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 تعتبر هذه اللعبة من أشهر الألعاب التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة بين الأطفال والمراهقين لما تتمتع به من إثارة المغامرة والمتعة التي تجعلك تتفاعل مع العالم الافتراضي للعبة للاندرويد ، بالإضافة إلى وجود العديد من السيناريوهات والمستويات والقصة. . تبدأ اللعبة بشخصية الدكتور "كورتكس" الذي صنع آلة يستخدمها في محاولة لتطوير الحيوانات المختلفة التي تعيش على الجزر ، إلا أنه فشل في السيطرة على بطل لعبة "كراش" بعد محاولته. للسيطرة على عقله ، ثم يحاول "كراش" الذهاب في مغامرة رائعة لإنقاذ صديقته التي ما زالت في أيدي الدكتور "كيرتس" الذي يحاول السيطرة على الحيوانات ، وهذه مهمة "اللاعب". "، ثم تم تطويرها وهي الآن متاحة للهواتف التي تعمل بنظام" أندرويد "، حيث يمكن تنزيلها مجانًا وبدون دفع أي رسوم اشتراك ، وحجم اللعبة صغير ولا يشغل مساحة كبيرة على الهاتف ، وتتميز اللعبة بإعطاء "اللاعب" حركات استثنائية لإضافة التشويق للعبة ، وهذه الحركات تشبه كسر الصناديق التي تحتوي على تفاح ، بالإضافة إلى وجود "قناع القوة" الذي سيحميك من العدو. تشتمل اللعبة على عدة مستويات ومراحل ، بالإضافة إلى عدد محدود من الفرص لـ "اللاعب" للبقاء على قيد الحياة في العالم الافتراضي ، واللعبة كما يتضمن سلسلة من الخيارات والأساليب التي يمكن أن تساعدك في القضاء على الأعداء ، بحيث يمكن مهاجمة الأعداء بإعصار "Crash" الذي يؤذي العدو ويفتح العديد من الصناديق التي تحتوي على الفاكهة وتساعدك. لاكتساب الفرص والحياة الإضافية داخل اللعبة ، ويمكن لـ "اللاعب" تجميع النقاط من خلال جمع المزيد من الرموز داخل الصناديق ، كما تنتقل المغامرة أيضًا إلى مستوى آخر للحصول أخيرًا على العاب الاندرويد ، مما يساعدك على الوصول إلى أعلى المستويات.

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