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تحميل BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary 3.11 Apk Full Paid latest مهكرة للاندرويد وللايفون

تحميل BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary 3.11 Apk Full Paid latest مهكرة للاندرويد وللايفون ___________________________________________________

BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary 3.11 Apk Full Paid latest is a Parenting Android app

Download last version BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary Apk Full Paid For Android with direct link

BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary is a Parenting android app made by Cosmic Pie Design that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !

A great newborn tracking app is an essential tool for new mothers and new fathers who want to monitor their baby newborn and improve parenthood. BabyBook is a smart infant journal app that allows you to track baby’s activities and to discover correlations between your actions and your child’s growth / health / mood. Keeping a daily journal (baby diary), you will be able to track breastfeeding, pumping, diapering, and every other aspect of your child’s life. It has been designed to help you manage tiredness, stress, and develop positive nursing habits: it’s a perfect parenting assistant always in your pocket. Are you striving for a perfect and easy-to-use new-born tracker or a child notes taker? With this child journal you can easily analyse and track behaviours to keep track of everything and also discover patterns. The best baby logbook among baby apps and newborn apps.

What can you track?
You can easily track any aspect of your baby’s life: the app is already set up with the major elements that you need to record: bottle-feeding (milk / formula), breast-feeding (left / right), pumping, solid meals, bath time, diapers (pampers) change, pee, poo, medications, fever, vaccination, height, weight, head circumference, crawling, crying, night awakenings, outdoor time, tummy time, playing time, sleeping. You will also find a parents section, where you can track your happiness, stress, and any aspect of the relationship with your partner. If this is not enough, you can add infinite custom events that you want to log, related to your infant, or to the parenthood.

– Calendar event tracker: Track nursing activities, record medical symptoms, log your infant sprout, check daily routines, track moods and keep a daily diary of your baby all in one place.
– Statistics: monitor symptoms frequency, and take care of your little son: is he or she feeling sick very often? How long since last breastfeeding? Is your child sprout on track? Are you developing good new mommy habits? Are you too stressed as new parents? Everything is under control.
– Correlation analysis: discover what makes your baby cry that often, and how you can change habits to improve. Learn what makes he or she sleep better, and improve your infant sleeping quality.
– Export data: export your child log / baby journal, save it or share it as a csv file.
– Develop good habits: when you track activities and you discover that they help you and your son to feel better, go for it! Improve your feeding management, understand your son’s sleeping habits and live a better life as a mom / dad.

Attention: BabyBook is just one of the many baby apps on the store. It does not substitute doctor visits, and it does not provide a professional diagnosis for your baby’s symptoms. However, it can help you and your doctor to track activities and better understand your child.

BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary Apk Full

BabyBook – Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary Apk Full

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BabyBook - Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary Apk Full
BabyBook - Baby Tracker & Newborn Diary Apk Full
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