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تحميل واتساب بلس Amazing iPhone Calling Features You Don’t Even Know About 2022

تحديث واتساب بلس 2022 / تحميل واتساب الذهبي 2022 / WhatsApp Gb ___________________________________________________

Making phone calls is a basic feature that has been there since the invention of the first phone. It is a standard feature that is available on every mobile device. However, Apple has taken it to a new level by adding additional features that may surprise you. They have taken iPhone calling to a whole new level. Due to this, they have put the iPhone phone call above its competitors.

Features like the iPhone auto answer are unique and rarely seen in any other mobile phone. The features are designed to make your life easier as an iPhone user. Below we have listed some of these distinct features.

Robocall Silencer

There are those annoying telemarketing calls that you always seem to receive. This feature solves those annoying calls that always catch you off guard. All you need to do is first go to the settings menu on your phone; after this, locate the silence unknown callers feature; this will automatically block all those unnecessary telemarketing calls. The calls will automatically go to your voicemail without ringing. You can go to your voicemail and delete them later. If you have ever wondered what secret thing can iPhone do? It is among the hidden features you never knew about on your device.

Call Recording

The iPhone does not have a record calls option; it is against their policy. But this is an issue that you can easily resolve by downloading a call recording app. There is various call recorder for iPhone applications available online. Most of the call recorder for iPhone applications available online come with monthly premium payments. But there are a few which are completely free.

You are required to select a suitable application and download it. But you can also set up an automatic call recording application on Google voice which does not require any application. Call recording is crucial to ensure no information relayed via calls is lost. It is a big advantage for people like businessmen who are constantly on their devices; it is an amazing way to manage your call logs and know what information you might have missed out on while on a call.

Voice Isolation

Have you ever wondered what secret thing can my I phone do that I don’t know about? Here is one of those hidden features that not so many people know about. Voice isolation is a feature that allows the phone to block out background noises while receiving phone calls or video calls. The feature is uniquely hidden in the control center.

The feature enables the mic to spotlight your voice and block out any other ambient background noises. It is a feature that works across all apple devices. So when you are receiving a call, you should activate this option for a better experience and clearer and more precise sounds. If you do not know how to access this feature, you are in luck because we will give you the steps to unlock this amazing feature.

The first key step is to go to the call settings window when you are already on a call. You will quickly click or swipe down in the upper right-side corner; this will bring you to the control center panel of your device. After this, you will tap o the mic mode settings; here, you will find two options voice isolation and wider spectrum; you will proceed t select the voice isolation option.

Quickly Turning On Call Waiting

You might be a very popular or busy person, and you are constantly receiving unwanted phone calls. Instead of constantly ignoring their calls, here is one cool feature you can utilize and make the most of. By keying in *43# and hitting the call button, you automatically activate call waiting; this will ensure you get the notification of an incoming call while you are still on call and give you the option of which call you want to prioritize.

It is a very cool feature since it will allow you to focus on the most important calls you need to prioritize, such as business and family calls. To turn off this service, you just dial #43#. And your phone will automatically go back to its old setting.

Hiding Your Number From Snoopers

Caller id is a great thing, but there is a time when you want anonymity or do not want the person you are contacting to get your contact information. Or is the call just a one-time call? You only need to look further than is a unique feature on your device that allows you to make calls without exposing your identity. You have to dial *#31# on your dial pad. Doing this will make all your outgoing calls anonymous; if you want to call a person and let them view your caller id, dial #31# before their contact while calling them.

We hope the article gave you new insight into the features and actions your device can perform that you need to be made aware of. However, it would help if you always remembered to record important phone calls so that you can refer to them later. We hope you have found what you were expecting and more in the features above.

The post Amazing iPhone Calling Features You Don’t Even Know About appeared first on LatestModAPKs.

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