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تحميل FaceLab Photo Editor Pro 1.0.17 Apk Mod latest مهكرة للاندرويد وللايفون

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    تحميل FaceLab Photo Editor Pro 1.0.17 Apk Mod latest مهكرة للاندرويد وللايفون ___________________________________________________

    FaceLab Photo Editor: Gender Swap, Oldify, Toon Me 1.0.17 Apk Pro latest is a Photography Android app

    Download FaceLab Photo Editor: Gender Swap, Oldify, Toon Me Apk Pro For Android

    FaceLab Photo Editor: Gender Swap, Oldify, Toon Me is a Photography android app made by Lyrebird Studio that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !
    FaceLab Photo Editor: Gender Swap, Oldify, Toon Me Apk
    FaceLab photo editor is the best age changer free and gender swap app with easy to use amazing old face filters. Age progression app makes you look older or younger instantly with the face aging effect. When you are curious about your look in the future, oldify yourself with aging filter in one tap. You can even toonify yourself with the funny cartoon face filters. All kinds of fun face swap is offered by FaceLab, zombify photos now to become a zombie.

    FaceLab also comes up with fabulous gender changer where you can gender swap and take a pretty pic as an opposite sex. AI face editor has many filters for pictures to create hilarious memes and to surprise your friends. Face app lets you montage brilliant pics with photo collage maker to show before and after versions. Share your stunning photo collage on Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, TikTok, VK and Pinterest to get so many likes.

    👵 Amazing Face Aging Effect:
    FaceLab offers epic photo filters to oldify you! Make me old feature turns you into a cute old man or an elderly woman just in seconds. First choose a pretty picture from your photo lab or snap selfie using FaceLab selfie camera. Resize your picture and adjust it’s size so no crop needed. Discover how you’ll get old in the future without aging in the real life. Magic face aging effect is like a fortune teller and offers perfect face aging prediction.

    🧟 Zombie Photo Editor:
    Face swap to become a zombie! Zombify photos instantly and share on social media to scare your friends. You’ll love the make me zombie tool! Special zombie photo editing tools are waiting for you.

    Cartoon Yourself:
    Cartoon photo editor offers many funny cartoon face filters. Toonify photos with hilarious cartoon effects to see yourself as a toon or an avatar.

    Gender Changer:
    Face editor provides marvellous gender swap filter so you can look like an opposite sex just in seconds! It is hilarious to see yourself as a man or woman. Magic face app provides the most accurate results to switch gender and getting old.

    👶 Face Filter to Get Young:
    With FaceLab you can get younger as much as you want. Throwback to 18 anytime to get rid of your wrinkles and to have a smooth skin. Young camera makes you look fresh and flawless.

    Photo Collage Maker:
    After applying astounding aging face filters and gender swap; montage your stunning pictures in one special post to create hilarious memes and Instagram posts.

    AI Face Editor:
    This is the best old age face app to retouch selfies, promises Photoshop effect just in seconds. FaceLab photo editor makes you look older or younger, for impressive selfies. Become a zombie in one tap, thanks to zombie filters!

    🤳 Selfie Camera Effects:
    Snap selfie to see the fun filters directly on your face thanks to AI technology! Getting old and young is so easy with the face camera effects. Face swap with your friends and take a beautiful picture with the funny aging filter. Changing your gender is so fast with fun gender swap effect now!

    Oil Painting Filter:

    Convert your selfie into an art piece to impress your friends. FaceLab offers superb art filters for pictures. Face swap and make your picture look like an painting thanks to oil painting filters.

    Cool Beard Effect:
    If you can’t grow a beard and moustache, cool beard effect by FaceLab picture editor is just for you. Get the look you want with breath taking filters for pictures of staggering beard app. You don’t need any other photo editing apps if you have FaceLab face editor. This the best beard app ever!
    FaceLab Photo Editor: Gender Swap, Oldify, Toon Me Apk
    FaceLab photo editor is the best neural face editing app powered by AI, comes up with age changer, zombify me tool and many old face filters. You can get old, convert photo to cartoon and change gender anytime with the old man filters and aging filter. Share your awesome aged picture on Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Tik Tok, VK, Tumblr, Flickr and Twitter!

    Whats New:

    No changelog

    ◉ Pro/Paid Features (Unlocked)
    ◉ Ads (disabled)
    ◉ All ads links (removed)
    ◉ Watermark (disabled)
    ◉ Useless items (removed)
    ◉ APK size reduced (24MB Only).
    ◉ CPUs ( arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a)
    ◉ Most of Analytics (disabled)
    ◉ Google Play’s billing (disabled)
    ◉ All debug Info (removed)
    ◉ Original package Signature (Changed)

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     تعتبر هذه اللعبة من أشهر الألعاب التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة بين الأطفال والمراهقين لما تتمتع به من إثارة المغامرة والمتعة التي تجعلك تتفاعل مع العالم الافتراضي للعبة للاندرويد ، بالإضافة إلى وجود العديد من السيناريوهات والمستويات والقصة. . تبدأ اللعبة بشخصية الدكتور "كورتكس" الذي صنع آلة يستخدمها في محاولة لتطوير الحيوانات المختلفة التي تعيش على الجزر ، إلا أنه فشل في السيطرة على بطل لعبة "كراش" بعد محاولته. للسيطرة على عقله ، ثم يحاول "كراش" الذهاب في مغامرة رائعة لإنقاذ صديقته التي ما زالت في أيدي الدكتور "كيرتس" الذي يحاول السيطرة على الحيوانات ، وهذه مهمة "اللاعب". "، ثم تم تطويرها وهي الآن متاحة للهواتف التي تعمل بنظام" أندرويد "، حيث يمكن تنزيلها مجانًا وبدون دفع أي رسوم اشتراك ، وحجم اللعبة صغير ولا يشغل مساحة كبيرة على الهاتف ، وتتميز اللعبة بإعطاء "اللاعب" حركات استثنائية لإضافة التشويق للعبة ، وهذه الحركات تشبه كسر الصناديق التي تحتوي على تفاح ، بالإضافة إلى وجود "قناع القوة" الذي سيحميك من العدو. تشتمل اللعبة على عدة مستويات ومراحل ، بالإضافة إلى عدد محدود من الفرص لـ "اللاعب" للبقاء على قيد الحياة في العالم الافتراضي ، واللعبة كما يتضمن سلسلة من الخيارات والأساليب التي يمكن أن تساعدك في القضاء على الأعداء ، بحيث يمكن مهاجمة الأعداء بإعصار "Crash" الذي يؤذي العدو ويفتح العديد من الصناديق التي تحتوي على الفاكهة وتساعدك. لاكتساب الفرص والحياة الإضافية داخل اللعبة ، ويمكن لـ "اللاعب" تجميع النقاط من خلال جمع المزيد من الرموز داخل الصناديق ، كما تنتقل المغامرة أيضًا إلى مستوى آخر للحصول أخيرًا على العاب الاندرويد ، مما يساعدك على الوصول إلى أعلى المستويات.
