GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto V) is one of the most popular game by Rockstar Games. Maybe you have played it in your PC. But what if you can download GTA 5 Apk on your Android smartphone too? Well, Yes you can play it in your phone also. In this article, you will get GTA 5 Apk + Data to make this game run.
We all played lots of GTA series games in our childhood. One of the most loved game by Gangster games is Vice City. Do you remember? Yeah!, No one can forget that small city where we are free to do anything. We did lots of crimes in all the GTA game no matter which game it was. Recently they had launched GTA V after a long time. Before it GTA IV was released in 2008. Well, GTA’s first game was launched in 1997 that was Grand Theft Auto.
At first, GTA 5 was released only for XBox and Play Station but now it is available for Windows and mobile phone too. Well, it is not available for Android officially but many people modded this game and made this game able to run on Android OS. Now, you can enjoy this awesome high Graphics game on your mobile phone. Because of its high quality graphics, it need a Gaming computer setup with high performance. So, nobody can even think, it will run on Android phone because they don’t have enough capacity to load this game. We were also posted Vertigo Racing Mod APK, don’t forget to check it out. Well, it is just a myth. If you have an Android phone with good performance then you can play GTA 4 on your Android mobile too. Also have a look at GTA 3 app.
In this article, we are going to share GTA V Apk and its Data file with you through which you can easily play GTA 5 on your any Android phone. There is no need to root you phone, as many people thinks there is no possibility to install PC Games on Android without root access. After reading this whole tutorial, you are will become able to install and run our most loved GTA series game i.e Grand Theft Auto Five, on your phone.
After seeing lots of interest of Android users towards GTA 5, Rockstar has decided to make this game possible to run on Android OS. SO they had developed and launched GTA 5 Apk in beta version. No matter it it is Beta Version because it is enough for us. GTA 5 is highly demanding game for Android, now you can download and play on your phone.
There is a good quality graphics in the game but you just need a little good performance phone to pay this game on it. Don’t think it is a normal game like other Android Game which you generally downloads from Play Store. You need to download GTA V Apk + Data + OBB file and all these need almost 3 GB storage in your phone. :-p Shocked? Maybe! But yes you must have to manage enough storage space in your Android, that’s why I already said try it on good performance phone.
Version Info
App Name
Android Version Requires
Total Downloads
App Size
21.1 MB + 2.6 GB
Rockstar Games
Requirements to Play GTA V Apk on Android
GTA V will not work on any normal Android phone. You must need a good performance phone running on Android OS to play this game on it. First of all, you have to download some useful Files on your device and then follow our tutorial to setup GTA V Apk on your smartphone. The first an main required thing is an Android phone with Good Performance.
Ram: 4GB+
CPU: Atleast 2 Core
After it downloads below provided all file in it. Here is the list of all required files to install GTA 5 on Android:
If you are facing any problem in downloading these two files then you can try Mirror links shared below. But make sure you have downloaded all three file the Apk, Data and OBB file. In above link, we have provided Data and OBB both in a single file. But now, you will get both in different Zip. So don’t get confused why here are only two Files an mirror links has 3 files. Both are the same files.
These are the all required files which you must need to install an run GTA 5 game on your Android phone. I know these are very big file but you should think it is not a normal Android Game. It is the one from world’s top Games which is released by Rockstar Games. Well, if you wants to enjoy this awesome game on Android devices then you have to download above provided all file in your phone, first. Whenever you are ready with these all files, you can proceed to the main steps to install and run this app on your phone.
Features of GTA V Game
If you have ever play GTA 5 on your Computer then I don’t think there is any need to tell you features of this game. But you are playing it for the first time then let you know what amazing features are added in this new game of Rockstar Games.
There are High Quality HD Graphics.
There is a good control of Player over the Game.
All the Game Characters, Cars, Designs are awesome and looks as like real.
There is a awesome Vehicle driving control, it is far better than any other GTA game.
It has lots of interesting Missions, you will get more interested for the next one whenever any mission get completed.
There are the some new features which are added only in this version of GTA series. You will explore more of it’s awesome features after playing it by yourself. I am sure you will fall in love with game after playing it for the first time on your Android phone. There is no other game is comparable to GTA V in gangster series. Now, it’s time to let you know how to install GTA V on your Android.
How to Install GTA 5 in Any Android Phone?
First of all you need to download all the required files on your phone before proceeding to this part. Check out the Requirements section to download GTA 5 Apk and Data. When you have successfully downloaded all the file, you can start following steps given below in order to install and run GTA V on your smartphone.
1) At first, install the GTA 5 Apk file which you have downloaded from above.
If you has never installed any Apk file on your phone then you should allow installation of apps form unknown sources. For allowing this Go to Settings >> Security >> Tick mark on Unknown Sources option.
Allow Installation from Unknown Sources
2) Now, go to Play Store and download Es File Explorer App in your phone. Using it, we have to extract the Data file in this Game folder.
3) Go to download folder in Ex File Explorer app, you will see GTA 5 Data Zip file there which is names as com.rockstargames.gtasa. Now, extract this Zip file to Android >> OBB. (If there is no OBB folder in Android folder then create new folder in it and name it as Obb and extract your file in it.)
That’s it. Now open your GTA 5 Apk and Voila!!! Your GTA V (The Beast) has been started without any error on Android phone. Isn’t it so simple process? According to me, there is nothing hard to install and run this game on any smartphone. All you need is Apk and Data file which I have already shared with a Mirror too. I recommend you to download these files using a WIFI connection because it is not so easy to get these big files on your Mobile data. Well, if you have a super fast internet connection then you can try.
Download GTA 5 for IOS Devices
If you are using IOS Device & looking for downloading GTA 5 for IOS, you can use below link to download it easily. This is one of the easiest method to get GTA 5 on your iPhone. We have introduced GTA 5 APK for IOS devices now. So let’s go, click below link to download GTA 5 for your iPhone. If you face any issues, simply comment below.
All GTA series lovers can download and play GTA 5 through our provided Apk file and its Data. It is time to explore real gaming experience in Android phone. No need to open your PC again and again for playing games on it. Now, you can play GTA V anytime, anywhere on your phone. Let me know how much you liked this game on phone. As it is very dashing game for all PC Games lovers. But is is time to enjoy GTA V for all Android Games lovers.
Faqs regarding GTA 5 APK for Mobile
Q1) How To Download GTA 5 In Mobile?
A1) We have provided download links above, feel free to download according to your device.
Q2) How To Download GTA 5 On IOS?
A2) We have also provided link for IOS devices. Check it out.
Q3) Where Do I Get GTA 5 APK + OBB? For My Android?
A3) We have provided download link above, check it out.
Final Words
So, this is how to install and play GTA V on any Android smartphone. I don’t think it was hard process to make this game run on your phone.You just need to download GTA 5 Apk + Data file on your device and then unzip that file according to the tutorial, we have shared above.
If our download link is broken or not working, you can inform us in comment section. We will update new working download links as soon as possible. Now, what are you waiting for? Go and enjoy GTA V Apk on your phone. Feel free to ask your any query related to this tutorial through comment section, we will reply you shortly.
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تعتبر هذه اللعبة من أشهر الألعاب التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة بين الأطفال والمراهقين لما تتمتع به من إثارة المغامرة والمتعة التي تجعلك تتفاعل مع العالم الافتراضي للعبة للاندرويد ، بالإضافة إلى وجود العديد من السيناريوهات والمستويات والقصة. . تبدأ اللعبة بشخصية الدكتور "كورتكس" الذي صنع آلة يستخدمها في محاولة لتطوير الحيوانات المختلفة التي تعيش على الجزر ، إلا أنه فشل في السيطرة على بطل لعبة "كراش" بعد محاولته. للسيطرة على عقله ، ثم يحاول "كراش" الذهاب في مغامرة رائعة لإنقاذ صديقته التي ما زالت في أيدي الدكتور "كيرتس" الذي يحاول السيطرة على الحيوانات ، وهذه مهمة "اللاعب". "، ثم تم تطويرها وهي الآن متاحة للهواتف التي تعمل بنظام" أندرويد "، حيث يمكن تنزيلها مجانًا وبدون دفع أي رسوم اشتراك ، وحجم اللعبة صغير ولا يشغل مساحة كبيرة على الهاتف ، وتتميز اللعبة بإعطاء "اللاعب" حركات استثنائية لإضافة التشويق للعبة ، وهذه الحركات تشبه كسر الصناديق التي تحتوي على تفاح ، بالإضافة إلى وجود "قناع القوة" الذي سيحميك من العدو. تشتمل اللعبة على عدة مستويات ومراحل ، بالإضافة إلى عدد محدود من الفرص لـ "اللاعب" للبقاء على قيد الحياة في العالم الافتراضي ، واللعبة كما يتضمن سلسلة من الخيارات والأساليب التي يمكن أن تساعدك في القضاء على الأعداء ، بحيث يمكن مهاجمة الأعداء بإعصار "Crash" الذي يؤذي العدو ويفتح العديد من الصناديق التي تحتوي على الفاكهة وتساعدك. لاكتساب الفرص والحياة الإضافية داخل اللعبة ، ويمكن لـ "اللاعب" تجميع النقاط من خلال جمع المزيد من الرموز داخل الصناديق ، كما تنتقل المغامرة أيضًا إلى مستوى آخر للحصول أخيرًا على العاب الاندرويد ، مما يساعدك على الوصول إلى أعلى المستويات.
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